Monday, March 8, 2010

If *I* Wrote For Doctor Who Magazine... wouldn't last a week.


Matthew Blanchette said...

Where'd you get that photo of Smith and Tennant together? Had no idea they'd released any behind-the-scenes photos from The End of Time...

Youth of Australia said...

Where'd you get that photo of Smith and Tennant together?
You pick up the odd snippet trawling the bloggosphere...

Had no idea they'd released any behind-the-scenes photos from The End of Time...
RTD took all sorts of snaps...

Matthew Blanchette said...

Could you direct me to the site featuring said snippet? I'd love to see if there's any more like it, but a cursory Googling hasn't turned up anything for me.

Youth of Australia said...

Try here

Matthew Blanchette said...

Thankee, kind sir. :-)

Also, by any chance, have you been spoiling yourself for the upcoming Series Fnarg?