AVON: I, for one, do not share your self-destructive behavior, Blake. Keeping us here is suicidal, Blake. We cannot possibly repel an invasion force on our own.
BLAKE: I know what you are going to say, Avon.
AVON: Well, now. That will certainly save time. In ten minutes the Daleks will be in range. There is no sign of the Federation.
BLAKE: We can't just run, Avon!
AVON: Why not?
BLAKE: Avon, if that fleet breaks through —
AVON: Then the Daleks will destroy the Federation. Which is precisely what we set out to do. What's the matter, Blake? Upset that some upstart aliens are going to achieve it before you do?
BLAKE: They won't just take down the Federation, they'll destroy the rest of the galaxy with it! We can’t allow that!
AVON: But we can't stop them either. Not alone.
BLAKE: We can try.
AVON: You’re insane, Blake. You have never given a good enough reason for us to put our lives at risk before. And now you want us to do it again, this time to protect the Federation?
BLAKE: You’ve nowhere to run. The Federation are behind you, and the Daleks are in front.
AVON: There are still innumerable directions in which this ship can fly. Assuming that we leave now.
BLAKE: [Incredulous] You’d really run? Let the Daleks invade and simply stand by and leave all of humanity to be slaughtered?
AVON: Yes. I've never had any particular affection for what you call "humanity". It's of no interest to me whether they live or die. Your debt to other people is imaginary, Blake, and not one that I will die paying for.
BLAKE: You can’t mean that, Avon.
AVON: Oh, but I can.
BLAKE: Then you’re no better than Travis! Avon, the Daleks out there are a greater threat than the Federation could ever be and we are the only people that can do anything to stop them!
AVON: And that makes us responsible, I suppose?
BLAKE:Yes! And it is a responsibility we can't ignore! If we can't stop the Daleks, we can at least hold them back... Please, Avon...
AVON: You're wasting your breath, Blake. We're leaving.
BLAKE: Then you're going to have to kill me, Avon.
AVON: [Coldly] What makes you think I wouldn’t?
BLAKE: Then you’d better do it now. Finish Travis’ work for him - because it’s the only way I'm going to let you run!

BLAKE: I know what you are going to say, Avon.
AVON: Well, now. That will certainly save time. In ten minutes the Daleks will be in range. There is no sign of the Federation.
BLAKE: We can't just run, Avon!
AVON: Why not?
BLAKE: Avon, if that fleet breaks through —
AVON: Then the Daleks will destroy the Federation. Which is precisely what we set out to do. What's the matter, Blake? Upset that some upstart aliens are going to achieve it before you do?
BLAKE: They won't just take down the Federation, they'll destroy the rest of the galaxy with it! We can’t allow that!
AVON: But we can't stop them either. Not alone.
BLAKE: We can try.
AVON: You’re insane, Blake. You have never given a good enough reason for us to put our lives at risk before. And now you want us to do it again, this time to protect the Federation?
BLAKE: You’ve nowhere to run. The Federation are behind you, and the Daleks are in front.
AVON: There are still innumerable directions in which this ship can fly. Assuming that we leave now.
BLAKE: [Incredulous] You’d really run? Let the Daleks invade and simply stand by and leave all of humanity to be slaughtered?
AVON: Yes. I've never had any particular affection for what you call "humanity". It's of no interest to me whether they live or die. Your debt to other people is imaginary, Blake, and not one that I will die paying for.
BLAKE: You can’t mean that, Avon.
AVON: Oh, but I can.
BLAKE: Then you’re no better than Travis! Avon, the Daleks out there are a greater threat than the Federation could ever be and we are the only people that can do anything to stop them!
AVON: And that makes us responsible, I suppose?
BLAKE:Yes! And it is a responsibility we can't ignore! If we can't stop the Daleks, we can at least hold them back... Please, Avon...
AVON: You're wasting your breath, Blake. We're leaving.
BLAKE: Then you're going to have to kill me, Avon.
AVON: [Coldly] What makes you think I wouldn’t?
BLAKE: Then you’d better do it now. Finish Travis’ work for him - because it’s the only way I'm going to let you run!

This is cool. But then you knew that.
The marvels of redbull, V, photoshop and fretting while my mum was rushed to the hospital.
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