Someone or something is murdering commuters on the City Rail Express to Central. It's always SOMETHING, isn't it? Nigel faces a $200 fine for travel without ticket, Andrew insists MX is behind it all and as for Dave, he's locked in the bathroom... again...
Space Station Cassius IV is raided in a surprise attack by the Charnel House Warriors in 4599. The Bomb Disposal Squad hire UNIT's scientific advisor to help them on a strange business at Butler's Wharf. Beyond eternity, the TARDIS has become trapped in an artificial time corridor. And at the heart of it all, the Daleks are preparing one last, desperate bid to escape extinction...
Despite all the odds, the Doctor has survived the events on Androzani... but Peri is beginning to suspect his new persona is far from stable. And when they get caught up in a bizarre kidnapping using Time Lord technology, the Doctor discovers that the planet Jaconda is the heart of a plan to rewite all of time and space. An old enemy is being aided by an old ally, and only the Doctor can save the universe - assuming he can keep his mind together...
The TARDIS has landed somewhere dark and dangerous. The Doctor and Peri are not alone. Someone is following them. The laws of cause and effect are breaking down and something has returned from beyond the grave. The Doctor has a final battle to face with his ultimate enemy... but does he really have right on his side this time?

You changed the title to "The Politics of Power"? That doesn't really describe your rejiggered plot, at all; you should've kept it as The Twin Dilemma, and shown how is was on improved-storytelling-steroids, et. al... :-/
Also, why is Vincent Kartheiser Nigel?
You changed the title to "The Politics of Power"? That doesn't really describe your rejiggered plot, at all;
Far from it. Not only does the Doctor use the expression in episode one it describes quite a few of the characters - Azmael is willing to threaten the universe to save Joconda, the Minister is prepared to let Androzani die, Hugo is going to sell out the Doctor and Peri... all the characters are prepared to do terrible things for selfish reasons to bring their longterm gains - which is politics, after all.
you should've kept it as The Twin Dilemma,
I considered that, but I changed the name of every other story I did and I've never liked the title anyway - the twins are far from important to any version of the plot, and the X of Y format fits season 21 better.
Remember, the proper title was "If *I* Had Written The Twin Dilemma", which is rather clunky.
and shown how is was on improved-storytelling-steroids, et. al...
The 'rewritten and improved' tag did that.
Also, why is Vincent Kartheiser Nigel?
Same reason Jonas Armstrong is Dave and Paul McGann Andrew. Photos of imaginary people are hard to come by and I can't draw at the moment.
The fact you spotted which one is meant to be Nigel without prompting shows what a good choice it was.
It was because his face was where Big Finish puts the Doctor's head, and since the most important character of YoA is not the Doctor, but, instead, is Nigel, and you put Kartheiser's head in that position...
...well, I had no choice but to assume. ;-)
Also, why not have a title that lays out the overarching plot, like The Will of Mestor, or some such? Sounds right old-timey Who, at that... :-D
It was because his face was where Big Finish puts the Doctor's head, and since the most important character of YoA is not the Doctor, but, instead, is Nigel, and you put Kartheiser's head in that position...
Good points. Except that VK was the only one that I had two photos of and Dave is in fact the main character. Nigelk's just more fun to write for.
...well, I had no choice but to assume. ;-)
You could be the next Sherlock!
Also, why not have a title that lays out the overarching plot, like The Will of Mestor, or some such? Sounds right old-timey Who, at that... :-D
Tell you what, if you come up with a title I like, I'll change it.
I'll have another look at your rewrite, then... :-)
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