The Ten Doctors with Eye Level Problems!!
From left to right -
Kevin Eldon as the Second Doctor
Victor McGuire as the Fourth Doctor
Jennifer Saunders as the Eighth Doctor
David Tennant as the Third Doctor
Rik Mayall as the Tenth Doctor
Orlando Bloom as the First Doctor
James Marsters as the Ninth Doctor
James Nesbitt as the Sixth Doctor
Jim Carey as the Seventh Doctor
Asian Female Porn Star as the Fifth Doctor
Nah, that's Harlan Ellison as the Third Doctor.
Hmmm, I get..
Gareth Thomas the Fourth Doctor
Jan Chapell as Eight
Rob Sitch as the Third
John Lennon as Ten
Adrian Brody as First
James Marsters as Nine (That one isn't open for debate..)
Hugh Laurie as Six
Dave Grohl as Seven
Matthew Waterhouse as Five
Most distrubing is the apparent presence of a slimmer, shorter and more-evil looking version of Mad Larry dressed as Troughton. He's the absolute worst of them. The costume isn't even right!
I do speak, though, as somebody who sent you a hand-drawn Christmas card today that features my own inaccurate caricatures of Eight and First. In my defense
1) I didn't have any reference pictures to hand. Seriously. I was in my mum's office.
2) I don't get paid for it.
That said, I think my Hartnell is still a better likeness. I think I got the right nose, for a start.
James Marsters as Nine (That one isn't open for debate..)
I know. I mean, it's a very detailed and realistic picture... of a COMPLETELY wrong actor! Colour his hair yellow and the work is done!
(Maybe he nicked a picture of Spike and scribbled over the hair to pass it off as his own work? I mean, he's a completely different style to the rest of the gang...)
And Seven is plain embarassing. I did a picture of Upchuck from Daria dressed as the Seventh Doctor and it looked better than that. Yeah, IDW, you SUCK!
(Your season 17 pastiche was almost as retarded as allowing a story with the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough fighting Judoon at the House at Allan Road...)
Matthew Waterhouse as Five
You kinky freak.
Most distrubing is the apparent presence of a slimmer, shorter and more-evil looking version of Mad Larry dressed as Troughton. He's the absolute worst of them. The costume isn't even right!
I know that Troughton's features are notoriously difficult to capture (Lee Sullivan is the only artist bar John Canning who seems to have the knack - hell, he often ADDS Troughton to totally random stories for the hell of it...)
But come on! That's not remotely similar! I think Dave Restal would capture more Cosmic Hobo than that, as you note, sinister and wide-mouthed freak in the wig...
What's truly horrific is the artist/author is ridiculously impressed by his own work. It seems that the IDEA of drawing ten Doctors in one room is supposed to impress me - here's a hint
a) get the right actors
b) do ALL the same style
c) don't make their eyeballs on different levels like the freak from Eagle and Evans who has to tilt paintings to see them properly.
And Seven is plain embarassing.
Making him look human would be a good start.
(Your season 17 pastiche was almost as retarded as allowing a story with the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough fighting Judoon at the House at Allan Road...)
...Allan Road? What's that a reference to?
You kinky freak.
Well, I can't think of any other actors who bear a resembelence!
I know that Troughton's features are notoriously difficult to capture
Really? Whew. Lets me off the hook for not being able to do him at all. The voice is bloody difficult, too.
What's truly horrific is the artist/author is ridiculously impressed by his own work.
Really? Been big-noting himself online?
c) don't make their eyeballs on different levels like the freak from Eagle and Evans who has to tilt paintings to see them properly.
I gathered that it was probably an attempt to make them more 'real' given the fact that people naturally don't tend to have their eyes on exactly the same level - I know my right eye is a centimeter or so lower than the left. This ignores the goal of a drawing a cartoon, though - to give the impression of somebody's appearance. Most people don't look at celebrities with a slide rule on their eyeballs. PLUS to make it noticeable that he's doing this unique trick he needs to over-emphasise the lopsidedness of the eyes - when you're meant to place that emphasis on the distinguishing features of a face (like, say, Tom Baker's eyes and nose) instead. The end result is that they just look grossly disfigured.
...Allan Road? What's that a reference to?
Big thing in the early nineties. The Seventh Doctor started using this Adams Family style mansion as his base of operations for all the New Adventures. 1 out of 5 NAs started with them living there rather than in the TARDIS.
It's about as strange as seeing the First Doctor living at the Powell Estate.
Really? Whew. Lets me off the hook for not being able to do him at all. The voice is bloody difficult, too.
Frazer Hines does a decent version. But then, who else could?
Really? Been big-noting himself online?
Yep. DWF. "This is a two-page spread that will go down in history and be more exciting than the Next Doctor, etc, etc, unlimited rice pudding, etc..."
I gathered that it was probably an attempt to make them more 'real' given the fact that people naturally don't tend to have their eyes on exactly the same level - I know my right eye is a centimeter or so lower than the left.
Oh yeah, I know that. But LOOK at them. Their glasses would need to be at 45 degrees to cover both eyeballs!
The end result is that they just look grossly disfigured.
I would love it if the next page had the REAL Doctor shouting, "No you're not, you bunch of evil mutant freaks! Who do you think you're fooling?!"
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