This little bit of artwork just makes me laugh out aloud. It really does. For a start, having listened to Empire of the Daleks three times, I can reveal it's completely unrepresentative of the actual story. There is no ruined houses of parliament, or even the normal, un-ruined houses of parliament. Just a quarry and the warehouse from Resurrection. And the burning orange flame effect? All baloney. The post-apocalyptic Earth is in an ashy nuclear winter. No pretty fires. No buildings at all, come to think of it.
But the best thing - just beating the Doctor's wonderful embarassed eyeroll, as if even he can't believe this - is the use of New Series Dalek and TARDIS. You know, the pitiful, ill-written, under-budgeted non-canonical garbage the BBC spews up out of envy at the brilliance of the ADs... but still use them in their mock publicity shots for stories fifteen years old. Because, remember, the BBC wish they could be as good a production as Empire of the Daleks... but they do kinda actually kinda better than the competition:

Jeffrey Coburn looks quite a bit like Peter Miles in that top photo. Quite creepy.
What's going on with that logo, though?
... and, come to think of it, why is it called Empire of the Daleks? Is it only because The Dalek Invasion of Earth has been taken?
And why do they continue to publicise it as their best adventure when nearly everything I've heard and read makes it sound like one of the absolute worst?
Going through the AVs at the moment. Wondering about whether I should turn my attention to the DWADs once I'm finished...
What's going on with that logo, though?
Their logo for the JC years, AFAICT.
... and, come to think of it, why is it called Empire of the Daleks? Is it only because The Dalek Invasion of Earth has been taken?
And Day of the Daleks. It's part of their half-assed 'rehabilition', I think. Daleks now have an empire, ergo must be better than before.
And why do they continue to publicise it as their best adventure when nearly everything I've heard and read makes it sound like one of the absolute worst?
Becuase it's the story that most clearly and directly says "Fuck you, JNT!" and automatically is beyond all reproach.
I have to say the Mark/Serena scenes are very good. But that's it. Nothing else.
Going through the AVs at the moment. Wondering about whether I should turn my attention to the DWADs once I'm finished...
Depends which era you want to go for... I like the Newest One, and they finally got rid of Christine. But they're doing "Next Time" trailers, which RUIN everything on audio. But worth listening to:
Wrath of Posiedon (be warned, Dave Segal Doctor)
Target Saigon
The Backbone of Night
Augury of Death
Morningstar Manor
Curse of the Scarab
Object Permanence
Emblems of Darkness
Iron Legion
OTOH, there's always Back to Reality.
Their logo for the JC years, AFAICT.
Yeah, but... I think they've devised one that rivals McCoy's for sheer badness. Come on 'Doctor' in a big arch?
Becuase it's the story that most clearly and directly says "Fuck you, JNT!" and automatically is beyond all reproach.
Hmm, so Peter Grimwade's The Come-Uppance of Captain Katz is then logically the greatest DW story of all time...
But they're doing "Next Time" trailers, which RUIN everything on audio.
Dear god. Even Kaldor had more sense than that.
Why do they bag out the New Series... and then proceed to steal all of its ideas?
Target Saigon
Target Zylon isn't it? I think you may be getting mixed up with all of your parody titles...
OTOH, there's always Back to Reality.
Darkness Falls has just about put me in a cold sweat at the mention of them.
Even though the bit where Bill Billingsley swears his head of at Thomas is [probably inadvertently] hilarious.
Yeah, but... I think they've devised one that rivals McCoy's for sheer badness. Come on 'Doctor' in a big arch?
It looks worse in the title sequences. Their "McCoy" parody is, as you know, a crime against imagination everywhere.
Hmm, so Peter Grimwade's The Come-Uppance of Captain Katz is then logically the greatest DW story of all time...
I heard that that was an urban myth, and the only JNT parody was the director wearing a hawiian shirt? Mind you, if you follow that logic, JNT also gets parodied in Filthy, Rich and Catflap...
Dear god. Even Kaldor had more sense than that.
The trailers themselves are also... awful. Badly edited and reveal too much of the plot.
Why do they bag out the New Series... and then proceed to steal all of its ideas?
The whole point of this post.
Target Zylon isn't it? I think you may be getting mixed up with all of your parody titles...
Yeah, my subconscious is doing day shift a lot nowadays.
Darkness Falls has just about put me in a cold sweat at the mention of them.
You haven't seen Hell until you've listened to Invasion of the Daleks. Imagine LBC without the passion...
Even though the bit where Bill Billingsley swears his head of at Thomas is [probably inadvertently] hilarious.
I have to wonder at the big warning of "swearing and adult violence", when we get nothing more violent than the last ep of Survival and some shockingly tame swearing. I'd have thought a bloody ALIEN would be able to come up with better swearing than that.
For example, did you know that "bloke" is a swear word? In days gone by it referred to men who had been anally raped and secretly enjoyed it! FAR more offensive than "you little shit!"
Still, what do I know?
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