"As I understand it YOA no longer posts here because he now accepts that the Ben Chatham stories are excellent."
So. Let us restate some basic facts, shall we?

The reason I don't post there is because of the disgraceful behavior of posters in the OTC section, posters I had thought as friends. Plus I've got better things to do, what with being a diabetic charity worker with clinical depression and slashed wrists acting as MC for weddings.
Everyone clear on the situation now? Message recieved and understood, Monsieur Goacher?
Now, where was I?
Oh yes. My hugely-accoladed audio drama produced by Darker Projects...
Sparacus troll confirmed? He wouldn't have said that if he wasn't trying to get a rise out of you...
Not sure. Believe it or not, he was defending me to a certain yellow sticky liquid who said I should burn in hell when he heard it was my birthday.
Erm, wow. That's a messed up thing to say about anyone..
Similar thoughts were expressed by GBers, and were told I should burn in hell every day. ESPECIALLY on my birthday. Because I am a horrible nasty person who doesn't deserve to live.
This is me, just a touch annoyed.
(Especially as firefox and IE get confused which google account I'm logged into...)
How are things with you?
Well not great. I got a lot of pain in my lower back which isn't going away and a lot of abdominal pain which could be an ulcer but I'm hoping is something else. Plus my trouble sleeping etc etc. I wouldn't be too phased if I had any cash to see any specialists at the moment. As is I'll probably see my old chiropractor in Dee Why if my back isn't any better tomorrow because being able to actually walk around is helpful in my profession.
Good news is there's actually work going on the Central Coast atm, so I might be able to escape from the world of house sharing for a while, see my friends more often and save money, which would be great.
Well, uh, good luck with that.
You tried the water bottle on your lower back trick?
Hmm, no I don't have one handy atm..
Pity. That's good for back stuff - warms up the muscles, lets them stretch out and relax. And stuff.
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