The Doctor sprinted out the back door as fast as his new legs would carry him. ‘We’ve got to get back in there!’ he shouted over his shoulder as he hurtled into the garden. ‘The engines are fading! It’s gonna blow!’
Amy lifted the hem of her nightie and tried to keep pace with the manic figure. She finally found him crouched beside the end of the police box, fastening a length of rope around something on the ground. She could barely see him, the only light coming from the blazing inferno inside the overturned blue booth that shone from the shattered windows. Smoke was belching out through the open double doors, that were now acting more like lids. ‘But it’s a box,’ she gasped, ‘How can a box have engines?’
‘It’s not a box,’ the Doctor replied briskly, tightening the knot and leaping to his feet to face the little girl. ‘It’s a time machine!’ he said excitedly and then ran around the disintegrating TARDIS, looping the rope through the brass door handle.
‘What?’ asked Amy incredulously. ‘You’ve got a real time machine?’
‘Not for much longer if I can’t get it stabilized!’ he grimaced, flinging the free end of the rope onto the far side of the horizontal police box. ‘A five minute hop into the future should do it...’
Amy realized he was serious as he began to slide the rope through the other brass door handle, linking the two open panels together. ‘Can I come?’ she asked hopefully.
‘Not safe in there, not yet. Five minutes,’ he told her with a smile, running past her and climb up the base of the police box, clutching the free end of the rope like an explorer scaling a mountain. ‘Give me five minutes, I’ll be right back,’ the Doctor promised her, and dropped inside his dying time ship.
I like that first omnibus cover a lot; did you mean to have the image of the Doctor be right between regenerations?
If you did, good on you, Ewen; that was inspired.
Yeah, that's the last clear shot you can get of DT and the first clear one of MS.
As for inspired, I wouldn't say so, beyond screen capturing at the exact right moment (took a lot of work), the cover idea was based on Caves of Androzani.
If you've not seen that one, it has Sharaz Jek silhouetted against the regeneration, with elements of both Doctors' faces visible.
Just looked at it; yours looks a lot cooler. ;-)
By the way, how do you think Series Fnarg is shaping up to be from the leaked plot details?
Just looked at it; yours looks a lot cooler. ;-)
Shucks. Only thirty years of computer technology required.
By the way, how do you think Series Fnarg is shaping up to be from the leaked plot details?
I've heard nothing new, though the clip of 11th hour suggests it WON'T be the death-inducing talent vacuum suggested by the trailer.
You've heard about episode 11, I presume?
What? That Gareth Roberts has once again failed to come up with anything new and resorted to adapting a DWM comic strip he wrote for the previous Doctor, only this time hasn't even been arsed to change the title?
Thrilling news indeed.
So... who's James Corden playing, then, if you know about the epi beforehand?
He's playing Craig, taking over Mickey's role in the original comic strip, while Matt Smith plays the Eleventh Doctor taking over from the Tenth and Daisy Haggard is Sophie taking over from Rose.
What am I? A one-stop shop for spoilers?
No... just didn't know before I came on here; I thought it was an original story.
Considering the title, I thought it was a take-off on this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lodger:_A_Story_of_the_London_Fog
Great photoshops. I've downloaded the novelisation and have skimmed through it, good stuff. I don't know when I'm going to read it proper because I've never been that much of a Target novelisation guy.
Yeah, I get that. I'm just finishing it for the hell of finishing it. It's a nostalgia rush if I'm honest...
I can understand that. Nostalgia is a powerful force. That's why I was thinking in completely deranged terms the other day that the videogame Halloween Harry and The Alien Carnage would make the greatest B-grade movie ever. In truth, just the greatest B-grade title. And why I will sometimes expound on the Phantom being the greatest of all comic book heroes. And why I was amazed when YouTube showed me how Z-grade the Power Rangers were in terms of acting, production values and everything else. I remembered that as quality programming!
I haven't actually finished my Short Trips story, yet. I need to get a wriggle on.
Halloween Harry and The Alien Carnage would make the B-grade title.
I agree. It's giving The Incredible Strange Mixed-Up Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Zombies a run for its money.
And why I will sometimes expound on the Phantom being the greatest of all comic book heroes.
For those who came late, it is a view I am also a passionate believer of - even BEFORE David Bishop started writing DW crossovers and had the Phantom meeting Amelia Ducat from The Seeds of Doom...
And why I was amazed when YouTube showed me how Z-grade the Power Rangers were in terms of acting, production values and everything else. I remembered that as quality programming!
I never made that mistake - the first episode I saw had the pink one pricked by THE THORN OF JEALOUSY, a rose bush that occasionally tried to eat people for no real reason until the pink and the yellow became friends again and kicked the bush to death in a cloud of computer-animated petals.
I haven't actually finished my Short Trips story, yet. I need to get a wriggle on.
Just as long as it doesn't involve C'Rizz trying to run an East London pub...
I agree. It's giving The Incredible Strange Mixed-Up Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Zombies a run for its money.
Honourable mentions to
* Harley Davidson Meets the Marlborough Man
* Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
* Santa Claus Versus the Martians
* The Leather Goddesses of Phobos
For those who came late, it is a view I am also a passionate believer of - even BEFORE David Bishop started writing DW crossovers and had the Phantom meeting Amelia Ducat from The Seeds of Doom...
This is news to me. Not that you like the Phantom (all the Mary Walker stuff made that clear) but that David Bishop had anything to do with the franchise...
Last I heard there was a new movie in the works.
I never made that mistake - the first episode I saw had the pink one pricked by THE THORN OF JEALOUSY, a rose bush that occasionally tried to eat people for no real reason until the pink and the yellow became friends again and kicked the bush to death in a cloud of computer-animated petals.
I'm using our small age gap as a half-hearted defense, m'lud.
Just as long as it doesn't involve C'Rizz trying to run an East London pub...
No. And now I am intrigued....
Mine's still set on a train.
* Harley Davidson Meets the Marlborough Man
* Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
* Santa Claus Versus the Martians
* The Leather Goddesses of Phobos
Neat... Teenagers from Outer Space just isn't in the same league.
This is news to me. Not that you like the Phantom (all the Mary Walker stuff made that clear) but that David Bishop had anything to do with the franchise...
Well, Bishop's a Kiwi and someone with the same name wrote a base under siege comic (a 50s story where the Phantom's stuck in a hotel on a tropical island in the middle of a cyclone... AND THERE'S A MURDERER AS WELL!!!)
Last I heard there was a new movie in the works.
This I like.
I'm using our small age gap as a half-hearted defense, m'lud.
I'll concede it was probably a shit episode even by PR standards, and I was sick to death of the thing happening at that time of creating what were ultimately failures and selling them as "better than..."
So not only was there the Power Rangers being better than Ninja Turtles, Dinosaurs being better than the Muppets, and worst of all The Baldy Man! Apparently funnier than Mr. Bean!
Obvious this was "transparent rip-off of Mr. Bean" featuring Egrorian and Kirsty Allen talking in baby gibberish in wacky hijinks. Getting this hideously obese old white guy to pose nude in the first episode wasn't good either.
It only lasted three episodes, but everyone was convinced it would the biggest thing ever. Bunch of fuckwits...
No. And now I am intrigued...
C'Rizz discovers that alcohol does wierd things, like let his downloaded personalities take over his body... and wait till a yobbo takes a fight outside with someone who thinks he's a Dalek...
Mine's still set on a train.
Ah, right. Who's in it again?
Sy-fy channel in the USA is doing an 'updated' mini-series of The Phantom, screening in June.
Well, Bishop's a Kiwi and someone with the same name wrote a base under siege comic (a 50s story where the Phantom's stuck in a hotel on a tropical island in the middle of a cyclone... AND THERE'S A MURDERER AS WELL!!!)
That sounds really cool.
This I like.
One of those things that could easily go either way, but the recent standard of comic book movies has been fairly high..
So not only was there the Power Rangers being better than Ninja Turtles,
Never heard that one - a bold claim! I remember watching and enjoying both vaguely in my childhood.
But then I aslo enjoyed the rather blatant rip off ABC Kids showed off three ninja penguins with Brooklyn accents. Who weren't particularly ninja-esque, I have to say.
Dinosaurs being better than the Muppets,
...no idea what that is.
Obvious this was "transparent rip-off of Mr. Bean" featuring Egrorian and Kirsty Allen talking in baby gibberish in wacky hijinks. Getting this hideously obese old white guy to pose nude in the first episode wasn't good either.
...of the many fucking weird things on TV that you've pulled out of the database for my delectation this one is by far and away, the weirdest. What the hell was KIRSTY ALLEN doing in a second-rate Mr Bean imitation?
C'Rizz discovers that alcohol does wierd things, like let his downloaded personalities take over his body... and wait till a yobbo takes a fight outside with someone who thinks he's a Dalek...
Oh, THAT was your big idea. Really cool. For some reason I'd never thought about the possibilities of a dude with a Dalek inside his head. Maybe because I just wrote C'Rizz off as a tosser and didn't think about him much..
Ah, right. Who's in it again?
Six and Peri, who may well be my favourite Doctor-companion pairing outside of Tom's era. Not to watch, but to write for. I've no idea why this is, it may be something to do with strong personalities. Rampant ego with super-overconfidence on one side and a timid sarcastic snarker trying to prove herself? To me it seems like a match made in heaven...
That sounds really cool.
Wasn't bad for a one-parter.
Never heard that one - a bold claim! I remember watching and enjoying both vaguely in my childhood.
Well, maybe I was just going to school with idiots at the time.
But then I aslo enjoyed the rather blatant rip off ABC Kids showed off three ninja penguins with Brooklyn accents. Who weren't particularly ninja-esque, I have to say.
Ze Avenger Penguins...
...no idea what that is.
See what I mean? These things never managed the "one hit" bit of "one hit wonders".
Dinosaurs was a wierd sitcom, basically the Simpsons if they weren't human but humanoid dinosaurs (guys in rubber suits or rather creepy puppets), with the family always pissing off the breadwinner's boss and the mother-in-law hating the husband. It was cheap to make and lasted two years I think, ending with the oncoming ice age that finally killed all the twats. Made Harry and the Hendersons look like Spaced.
...of the many fucking weird things on TV that you've pulled out of the database for my delectation this one is by far and away, the weirdest. What the hell was KIRSTY ALLEN doing in a second-rate Mr Bean imitation?
Literally? Selling Rebox shoes and talking like a baby. Figuratively, I assume she was blackmailed into it and used as points for making "the funniest show in the world!"
God it's still burned in my brain that first episode. You know how hardly anyone even speaks in Mr. Bean, well everyone talks in the Baldy Man, but they talk a weird quacking gibberish. It couldn't make a plot last twenty minutes, so it had two stories - the first had the Baldy Man get a job as a nude model, and being hideous decides to get a makeover including sexually harrassing Kirsty Allen (he wants her to drape herself over him so he'll look like a stud in posters for trainers) and then buys 600 bottles of tanning lotion - alas, he needs 601 and the top of his bald head is still pink! Oh, if only he could combover!!
The second one was vaguely better. The Baldy Man gets invited to a business conference and eats all the complimentary chocolates and drinks all the minibar - until he realizes how much it cost so he tries to replace all the stuff he's consumed, while constantly getting heckled by two businessmen who hate his guts (and thus have audience sympathy).
Oh, THAT was your big idea.
...well... yeah...
Really cool.
Oh, right. Phew.
For some reason I'd never thought about the possibilities of a dude with a Dalek inside his head.
Which is odd. I mean, it's an interesting idea, a boring character and it's not like BF didn't have access to Nick Briggs...
Maybe because I just wrote C'Rizz off as a tosser and didn't think about him much...
Many have.
But being a tosser with no social skills, he's comedy gold, like his inability to understand the concept of underage drinking - "So... should I give them solids instead?"
Six and Peri, who may well be my favourite Doctor-companion pairing outside of Tom's era. Not to watch, but to write for. I've no idea why this is, it may be something to do with strong personalities. Rampant ego with super-overconfidence on one side and a timid sarcastic snarker trying to prove herself? To me it seems like a match made in heaven...
The Lost Stories are definitely proving you right there. I mean, Paradise 5 could be set in my rewritten Season 23 showing how they get on...
Hey, don't let anybody tell you the U.S. ever gets bad Who spots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdAPheEE_3k&fmt=18 ;-)
Can't WAIT!!!
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