MENTAL ANARCHY ARCHIVE - The stuff you can't read in other blogs...
Friday, February 5, 2010
You Want A Gauda Prime Conspiracy?!
Well, you got one!
A page from my new project...
Yes. His girlfriend killing himself, being caught in a space-crash, single-handedly provoking a massacre between two old friends and then being shot STILL won't make a dent in the Assholedom of Tarrant.
Huh, I kinda thought Tarrant got better over the course of S4. But I guess that level of trauma with a dollop of helpfulness probably WOULD make him drop the nobility.
Looking forward to seeing more - Avon is wonderfully rendered as he stares with dead-blank eyes into the wall while Tarrant raves behind him. Quite a familiar sight from the last two seasons, as well.
Huh, I kinda thought Tarrant got better over the course of S4. But I guess that level of trauma with a dollop of helpfulness You mean "hopelessness", right?
probably WOULD make him drop the nobility. He IS at something of a low ebb and, of course, is the only one to deal with it via immature temper tantrum.
Looking forward to seeing more -
Might take a while. I've discovered almost every last one of my ink pens has died over the summer. I used up six on that page alone... so I'll need to stock up.
Pity really as the next page has a patented Avon smackdown.
Avon is wonderfully rendered as he stares with dead-blank eyes into the wall while Tarrant raves behind him. Quite a familiar sight from the last two seasons, as well. Indeed...
..I think 'helplessness' was what I was aiming for.
is the only one to deal with it via immature temper tantrum.
Definitely. Trying to remember when the last one was.. did he go crazy at any stage in Warlord?
Might take a while. I've discovered almost every last one of my ink pens has died over the summer. I used up six on that page alone... so I'll need to stock up.
Huh, sorry to hear that.
I really should draw more. I played a game of pictionary a while ago and was heavily complimented by everyone one my skill, making me feel guilty for barely ever using my talent.
@ Jared ..I think 'helplessness' was what I was aiming for. Ah, well it could be that.
Definitely. Trying to remember when the last one was.. did he go crazy at any stage in Warlord? Well, there WAS the bit when he tried to beat Vila to death after the little guy pointed out that Tarrant's raging libido got them into that mess, and Dayna AND Zeeona had to stop him...
Huh, sorry to hear that. No biggie. Just need to go to a decent newsagent and stock up.
I really should draw more. I played a game of pictionary a while ago and was heavily complimented by everyone one my skill, making me feel guilty for barely ever using my talent. Well, your SGU Xmas card is treasured in this house.
@Miles It's true, I can play the spoons and pleasure women. Just not at the same time. Damnit.
I'm shit at the spoons.
I can't draw worth a damn though. Niether could I, once.
Although, this does remind me of the Phoenix series of stories where Avon is comatose for most of the start. It is following the spirit of Phoenix (my first ever PGP - and what a good one it is), but mainly for the surprise twist I hope to illustrate which I think the audience will appreciate. I'm really working from memory since Phoenix vanished from the interweb and I recklessly turfed my print out copy...
"Personally, I think Ewen is the craziest guy I know in Doctor Who fandom. William Burroughs without the homosexuality or the heroin addiction." - Miles "Balls of Steel" Reid
Huh, I kinda thought Tarrant got better over the course of S4. But I guess that level of trauma with a dollop of helpfulness probably WOULD make him drop the nobility.
Looking forward to seeing more - Avon is wonderfully rendered as he stares with dead-blank eyes into the wall while Tarrant raves behind him. Quite a familiar sight from the last two seasons, as well.
Huh, I kinda thought Tarrant got better over the course of S4. But I guess that level of trauma with a dollop of helpfulness
You mean "hopelessness", right?
probably WOULD make him drop the nobility.
He IS at something of a low ebb and, of course, is the only one to deal with it via immature temper tantrum.
Looking forward to seeing more -
Might take a while. I've discovered almost every last one of my ink pens has died over the summer. I used up six on that page alone... so I'll need to stock up.
Pity really as the next page has a patented Avon smackdown.
Avon is wonderfully rendered as he stares with dead-blank eyes into the wall while Tarrant raves behind him. Quite a familiar sight from the last two seasons, as well.
Wow... good stuff.
Oh, well, you know, you pick up the odd trick after a quarter of a century.
It's true, I can play the spoons and pleasure women.
Just not at the same time.
I can't draw worth a damn though.
Although, this does remind me of the Phoenix series of stories where Avon is comatose for most of the start.
You mean "hopelessness", right?
..I think 'helplessness' was what I was aiming for.
is the only one to deal with it via immature temper tantrum.
Definitely. Trying to remember when the last one was.. did he go crazy at any stage in Warlord?
Might take a while. I've discovered almost every last one of my ink pens has died over the summer. I used up six on that page alone... so I'll need to stock up.
Huh, sorry to hear that.
I really should draw more. I played a game of pictionary a while ago and was heavily complimented by everyone one my skill, making me feel guilty for barely ever using my talent.
@ Jared
..I think 'helplessness' was what I was aiming for.
Ah, well it could be that.
Definitely. Trying to remember when the last one was.. did he go crazy at any stage in Warlord?
Well, there WAS the bit when he tried to beat Vila to death after the little guy pointed out that Tarrant's raging libido got them into that mess, and Dayna AND Zeeona had to stop him...
Huh, sorry to hear that.
No biggie. Just need to go to a decent newsagent and stock up.
I really should draw more. I played a game of pictionary a while ago and was heavily complimented by everyone one my skill, making me feel guilty for barely ever using my talent.
Well, your SGU Xmas card is treasured in this house.
It's true, I can play the spoons and pleasure women. Just not at the same time.
I'm shit at the spoons.
I can't draw worth a damn though.
Niether could I, once.
Although, this does remind me of the Phoenix series of stories where Avon is comatose for most of the start.
It is following the spirit of Phoenix (my first ever PGP - and what a good one it is), but mainly for the surprise twist I hope to illustrate which I think the audience will appreciate. I'm really working from memory since Phoenix vanished from the interweb and I recklessly turfed my print out copy...
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