Along with tantalizing sights of a post-regenerative Doctor stuffing his face on ice cream or reacting to his reflection with "I'm not done yet!", today would have been epic enough, but what's this? Moffat has announced they're replacing the logo! The flying turd/taxi sign/Farscape rip-off has breathed its last! Let there be feasting and celebration! Let jubilation reign!
And now we can see the new logo!

Oh. Wait. After about eight hours Moffat has made a statement that the TARDIS-mock-up is the logo they use for branding (like the last bit of the end credits, book spines, copywright notices) and not an eyesore part of the title sequence. Of course no one else was smart enough to do this before hand. Yay them.
Oh, hang on, now they've changed their minds again!

Great, now I don't know what to say. I was going to say that I liked the new logo for going back to the Pertwee roots and not being a massive horizontal mess like that cab-logo rubbish we've had for the past four and a half years, but that new mockup you've shown is horizontal again!
I actually don't mind the TARDIS-shaped 'DW' though. It looks pretty cool. I just don't want it slap bang in the middle.
Also, that policewoman outfit looks like it wouldn't even get a run on Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. It is so stripperiffic that no I cannot further condemn it in words as I could no damage to its credibility not already wrought BY ITSELF.
Kinda hot, though.
Completely unrelated - Christ that LBC is still demented, isn't he?
Great, now I don't know what to say. I was going to say that I liked the new logo for going back to the Pertwee roots and not being a massive horizontal mess like that cab-logo rubbish we've had for the past four and a half years, but that new mockup you've shown is horizontal again!
Yes. I share your feelings exactly. Some say that the horizontal version is for things like DWM... but who knows? Certainly not the BBC, who seem to have trusted the PR aspect to Bernard and Manny - everything they are supposed to tell us they either forget or reveal too late...
I actually don't mind the TARDIS-shaped 'DW' though. It looks pretty cool. I just don't want it slap bang in the middle.
Yeah. It's not so much it's bad, it just looks stupid right next to the other logo. Mind you, someone noticed it seems to say "OW" which means I may never be able to take it seriously again...
Also, that policewoman outfit looks like it wouldn't even get a run on Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. It is so stripperiffic that no I cannot further condemn it in words as I could no damage to its credibility not already wrought BY ITSELF.
I know... and no matter how cute she is in it, it kinda annoys we have yet ANOTHER 21st century girl as a companion.
Kinda hot, though.
You shoulda seen the photos I didn't use, of her pressing herself against an ice cream van...
Completely unrelated - Christ that LBC is still demented, isn't he?
My laughter was genuine... but it's really becoming disturbing and pitiful. I now can't read anything he says without hearing Luke Rattigan's voice in his "I'M BETTER THAN ALL YOU!!!" rant.
I laugh... but I am SO glad I'm on the other side of the planet from him.
But is that as disturbing as the fact Spara's summary of the new logo was identical to our own?
With LBC, I am so glad that while I am constantly exposed to a harsh, cruel world where things are usually against me, I no longer retreat into a world of pretentious insanity where I believe myself a sane man amongst peons.
The Doctor Who logo? Meh, it's only a TV show.
Ah, so my clever strategy to make it look like the logo was more important than KG in her stripper outfit has functioned perfectly!
Well, to be honest, I never really had a real fetish for Police uniforms. School girls, nurses, french maids, secretarys... yes.
But now.... hmmmm...
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