It was while wandering along Cook's river I stumbled across a small cube twice the size of a lump of sugar, entirely made of glass except for a small collection of little compartments at its centre. Idly I jumped up and down on it until it broke and a number of slivers of metal fell out of its centre. I examined the slivers and discovered them to be microfilms, microfilms revealing to us the story of the Time War...

It's all there. From the Eighth Doctor being summoned to Gallifrey, the strike against Seriphia Galaxy, the legacy of the Dogma Virus, the return of Davros, the resurrection of the Master, the Fall of Arcadia and precisely what happened at the Medusa Cascade all detailed in stultifyingly unnecessary pretension. But, let's be honest here, you only want to see the regeneration...
Right. This TV Movie you refer to is hypothetical, right?
I remember thinking that the idea of a series of TVMs starring McGann's Doctor adapted from some of the books would have been cool. The Burning and Alien Bodies were ones that stuck in mind as probably being pretty easy to do - although you'd want to change AB's ending to something good and not let Lazza tell you how to film it.
(Funnily enough I got protests when I suggested the former online because of a dam bursting at the end of the story which would be 'ridiculously expensive'. This was, of course, before RTD drained the Thames for a laugh. The Mill, people. It's good)
Anyway... nice telesnaps. Or something. I think your labelling was spot on in this case.
Right. This TV Movie you refer to is hypothetical, right?Is it?I remember thinking that the idea of a series of TVMs starring McGann's Doctor adapted from some of the books would have been cool. The Burning and Alien Bodies were ones that stuck in mind as probably being pretty easy to do - although you'd want to change AB's ending to something good and not let Lazza tell you how to film it.Well said. I mean, you COULD do the book's ending, but it would only really work if you ignored the future history war stuff and focussed on the being-at-your-own-funeral material.
(Funnily enough I got protests when I suggested the former online because of a dam bursting at the end of the story which would be 'ridiculously expensive'. This was, of course, before RTD drained the Thames for a laugh. The Mill, people. It's good)I really liked The Tomorrow Windows. I think that'd work on TV, as an Infinite Quest epic.
Anyway... nice telesnaps. Or something. I think your labelling was spot on in this case.Eminent Whovianologist Sparacus didn't think they were interesting at all. Honestly, what sort of fan does he think he is? I truly believe if they said they'd do the Time War, EVERY SINGLE FAN would have an opinion...
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