Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thought for the Day


(alternatively, the Fourth Doctor's response to "Which incarnation is Matt Smith playing?)


Jared "No Nickname" Hansen said...

Did you just read Larry Miles' blog too?

Also, I love that pic.

Youth of Australia said...

Did you just read Larry Miles' blog too?

Oddly enough yes. I was surprised, though, he changed the title from "Dear Editor" to "Dear Boss". But, yeah, the latest entry pissed me off - Mad Larry makes it clear that Matt Smith will never be acceptable because Moffat chose him! How bloody stupid is that?

"Matt Smith could be the most wonderful actor in the history of actordom, and it wouldn't matter!"

um. Yes. It would. You halfwit.

Also, I love that pic.
Can you believe, it was a greeting card from 1979? "Happy birthday, you're two years old"...

Jared "No Nickname" Hansen said...

Oddly enough yes.

Y'see... oi'm a bit psy-chic...

But, yeah, the latest entry pissed me off - Mad Larry makes it clear that Matt Smith will never be acceptable because Moffat chose him! How bloody stupid is that?

Very, as with most that he posts.

What caught my attention is that he continues with eschewing logic entirely in his quest to prove superiority over all people - he trashes that woman for saying that Matt Smith is too young to play the Doctor... and straight away says Matt Smith is too young to play the Doctor!

Can you believe, it was a greeting card from 1979? "Happy birthday, you're two years old"...

THANK YOU! I've seen that so many times and have constantly wondered on how the hell that came about.

Now all I need is an explanation for that shot of Paul Darrow stripping at a convention table while Michael Keating's on the microphone.

Youth of Australia said...

Y'see... oi'm a bit psy-chic...
Ooh-arr. That you be. That you be!

Very, as with most that he posts.
AND he's ripping off my exclusive relationship with Gabriel Chase...

What caught my attention is that he continues with eschewing logic entirely in his quest to prove superiority over all people - he trashes that woman for saying that Matt Smith is too young to play the Doctor... and straight away says Matt Smith is too young to play the Doctor!
Yes. He really seems to be reimagining himself as Thick As Pigshit Larry the Pirate King...

THANK YOU! I've seen that so many times and have constantly wondered on how the hell that came about.
There were four cards with him holing up different fingers for ages, but unsurpisingly it was "two" that lived on the most. The other cards involved him drawing graffiti on the TARDIS with chalk (if you watch Horns of Nimon, you can see the chalk marks on the police box).

Now all I need is an explanation for that shot of Paul Darrow stripping at a convention table while Michael Keating's on the microphone.
A) I have never seen or even heard of this before
B) "73 kilos, Vila! Our clothes obviously weigh that much! Prepare the slash fics!"

Jared "No Nickname" Hansen said...

A) I have never seen or even heard of this before

The reason I've taken so long to respond is that I was massively frustrated in discovering, against ALL odds, I did not save a copy of that picture. And can't find it anywhere on Google. And was reluctant to admit to this the other night. I swear it was real!

B) "73 kilos, Vila! Our clothes obviously weigh that much! Prepare the slash fics!"


Have I mentioned before how much Egrorian's genius plan sucks?

"Haha, the weight will cause their shuttle to crash, but the craft is strong enough to survive the impact, so the doomsday device will be unscathed!"

"Vila, we've got too much weight onboard - quick, chuck out the doomsday device!"

"...they weren't supposed to do that..."

"Did you think of giving them a fake?"


Youth of Australia said...

The reason I've taken so long to respond is that I was massively frustrated in discovering, against ALL odds, I did not save a copy of that picture. And can't find it anywhere on Google. And was reluctant to admit to this the other night. I swear it was real!
You think YOU have problems?! I've just discovered the most unholy alliance imaginable - Ron Mallet has had a story made by the SCADs!

You think I jest?

Have I mentioned before how much Egrorian's genius plan sucks?
"Haha, the weight will cause their shuttle to crash, but the craft is strong enough to survive the impact, so the doomsday device will be unscathed!"
"Vila, we've got too much weight onboard - quick, chuck out the doomsday device!"
"...they weren't supposed to do that...""Did you think of giving them a fake?"

But I always thought the doomsday device was a fake anyway? Servalan was only humoring him to get Orac...