Well, yep. It's official.
And for want of something else to say, a transcription of the climax of the Audio Visual story Planet of Lies, showing that the Time War was an old idea before RTD came up with it on the spot in 2003. Everyone in the scene was played by Nicholas Briggs, with his emperor voice being the same spine-gnawing grate of The Parting of the Ways in case you thought that was original too...
(Scene: Dalek Control, identical to the one in Evil of the Daleks.)
DALEK: Scanners detect the Doctor procedding along corridor 247.
DALEK EMPEROR: Excellent. Enter.
DOCTOR: ...no. (in pain) I obey. I don't know how you did it, but you got me here. So just get it over with, you've waited long enough to kill me.
DALEK EMPEROR: Extermination is not our purpose.
DOCTOR: What?!
DALEK EMPEROR: You have already served the Daleks well. You will now do so again.
(Scene: a few minutes and a few less main characters later.)
DOCTOR: I said are you listening to me? Answer me!
DALEK EMPEROR: I am informed that the time is near.
DOCTOR: "Time"? What time? What do you mean?!
DALEK EMPEROR: The time for you to serve the Daleks again.
DOCTOR: I'll never serve the Daleks - and I never have.
DALEK EMPEROR: That is not true. You destroyed the mental energies of the primitives' artefact.
DOCTOR: The Totem of Shuboogim? That would have torn apart the continuum! I had to destroy it!
DALEK EMPEROR: No, you destroyed it because I wished you to.
(Scene: more death and destruction later.)
DALEK EMPEROR: There is fear and confusion in your mind, Doctor.
DOCTOR: What? Heh. I'd never have thought amateur psychology was quite your line...
DALEK EMPEROR: I know your mind.
DOCTOR: You know NOTHING! I came to this planet out of compassion and friendship to find the girl YOU abducted from the TARDIS! Can you understand that? You, whose minds are riddled with neuroses and paranoia! All you understand is fear, the fear of those victims you terrorize and your own fear and envy of all that is unlike you!
DALEK EMPEROR: You do not fear us, but you fear those doubts in your own mind.
DOCTOR: Look at you! Trapped inside your web like a beetle with its wings torn off... I'd only have to wrench at a couple of these feeding tubes and --
DALEK: You will not harm the Emperor!
DOCTOR: Ah, the Dalek Supreme, hiding in the shadows along with his minions!
DALEK EMPEROR: I have no need of their assistance, Doctor. Carry out your threat.
DOCTOR: I'm not afraid to die... (pained) Agh! Can't...
DALEK EMPEROR: You will do only as I command.
DOCTOR: I... don't...
DALEK EMPEROR: A psychotropic link was surgically implanted within your brain, subjugating your will to mine. Your mind is no longer your own.
DOCTOR: Then you made me destroy the Totem of Shuboogim.
DALEK EMPEROR: Because it was a threat only to the Daleks. Interrogation of captured primitives revealed this fact.
DOCTOR: And that's why you brought me here? To remove that threat to your dominance over time?
DALEK EMPEROR: You are the last Time Lord. The only being capable of entering and destroying the Tribe's Unconscious. Attempts to abduct you from the TARDIS were unsuccessful and power-consuming. Both the male and female humanoids were taken due to inaccuracy. The replicant male was substituted to ensure success.
DOCTOR: And Ria?
DALEK EMPEROR: The girl was captured from the Nomad Tribe to lure you here. She will now be exterminated.
DALEK EMPEROR: She is of no consequence to you now - you have but one purpose.
DALEK: Time distortion field will align with spatio-temporal location in Gallifreyan history as predicted.
DALEK EMPEROR: Excellent. The Doctor will be taken to the spaceship.
DOCTOR: What do you intend to force me to... gah!
DALEK EMPEROR: Now our minds are as one, Doctor. Think.
DOCTOR: The Eye of Harmony?
DALEK EMPEROR: Which balances all things that may neither flux nor wither...
DOCTOR: No, stop it! Get out of my mind!
DALEK EMPEROR: You cannot prevent me. The fortuitous effects of the unknown disaster which struck this planet are now dissipating.
DOCTOR: The time eddies?
DALEK EMPEROR: Another shock to the Eye of Harmony at precisely the same moment in space and time is required.
DOCTOR: That will destroy --
DALEK EMPEROR: It will be done! The Star Rover now contains our most powerful explosives. You will pilot it.
DOCTOR: I don't see why you need me... Haha. You don't know where it is!
DALEK EMPEROR: Dalek scientists have located the vacinity of what was once the Time Lords' capitol. You will find the exact target.
DOCTOR: Oh no. (pained) I'd rather die!
DALEK EMPEROR: You will not die until the moment of impact. You will obey. You have no choice! Take him!
DALEK: I obey. You will enter the Star Rover.
DOCTOR: Like a lamb to the slaughter. The reaction predetermined. Is this really how it's going to end? 900 years of life culminating in the greatest crime in history? I don't even have the option of sucide...
DALEK: We shall prevail. This is the triumph of the Daleks! Destroy the survivors! They cannot escape!
DOCTOR: I don't know what will happen if the Eye of Harmony is utterly destroyed... It's literally unimaginable. I don't suppose the Emperor knows either. He must realize the risk he's taking - but then he probably won't mind dying himself if every other living thing in the space time continuum dies with him. Paranoia doesn't sink any lower than that...
*Sigh* I am so fucking over Davros it is not funny.
Interesting to see in that pic that it's essentially the Terry Molloy mask. Hah! Take that, purists! Somebody else likes the 80s, bwahahaha!
Unless it's a photoshop. In which case it's completely uninteresting.
*Sigh* I am so fucking over Davros it is not funny.
Sorry dude. But I'm not in charge.
Interesting to see in that pic that it's essentially the Terry Molloy mask. Hah! Take that, purists! Somebody else likes the 80s, bwahahaha!
Not enough, or he'd be a severed head in an Emperor Dalek casing...
Unless it's a photoshop. In which case it's completely uninteresting.
Well, I got it from a newspaper website (Mirror or the Sun, I forget), but that's not Terry Molly, the face is all wrong...
Not to say it COULDN'T be photoshop, just that I assumed it was genuine.
It IS a nice picture...
but that's not Terry Molly, the face is all wrong...
I was more talking about the style - it's the messed-up melted-and-then-frozen look that Terry Molloy sported, rather than the Michael Wisher one which just looks burnt. (And seems more popular among fandom, for some reason)
Personally, I like the idea of Davros' face getting more and more deformed as time goes on so I'm glad they stuck to it and AREN'T trying to please the losers who think Lis Sladen should be elected Queen of Britannia.
Not to say it COULDN'T be photoshop, just that I assumed it was genuine.
Yeah, it probably is, but I'm suspicious given the nature of what it depicts and the fact that Tennant's hand looks a little funny.
I was more talking about the style - it's the messed-up melted-and-then-frozen look that Terry Molloy sported, rather than the Michael Wisher one which just looks burnt. (And seems more popular among fandom, for some reason)
Well, the idea was 90 years on ice and then defrosted made Davros so blotchy.
Personally, I like the idea of Davros' face getting more and more deformed as time goes on so I'm glad they stuck to it and AREN'T trying to please the losers who think Lis Sladen should be elected Queen of Britannia.
Well, be fair, she's better than the other candidates.
Yeah, it probably is, but I'm suspicious given the nature of what it depicts and the fact that Tennant's hand looks a little funny.
I noticed that, but I can't off the top of my head remember him in that pose...
Still, the bright side is Davros will appear, at most, in three episodes. So, yay team.
It looks like a pretty decent photoshop job to me - Davros' control panels look CG, David Tennant looks stuck on, the background looks just a little too blurred to my untrained eyes.
Top marks, considering some of the poor work some of the tabloids have put online to illustrate stories...
Well, I had heard Davros was going to be a CGI thing and didn't think much of it.
Still. Never mind.
No wonder the image is good for a tabloid - it was nicked from the Doctor Who forum by a journo!
I had no idea!
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